full stack development course in muktsar

Full Stack Web Developer Training Course

Are you looking for the Best Full Stack Web Development Training?. Samrat Technologies Full stack web developer course is the Best Training Course , don’t worry you are in the right place. With Samrat Technologies you will get the best training ever. We train candidates for their secured profession and grow their career in Full Stack Web Developer Training Course. We have trained more than more than a thousand candidates.

Samrat Technologies Full Stack Development Training Course is designed in such a way so that candidates can acquire all the skills needed for client facing websites and basic SPAs by the use of combined CSS3, PHP, HtML5, and JavaScript. Samrat Technologies is having the best mentors who are always willing to give their best.

What is Full Stack Development?

The developers who all have done development and design of the web websites and app are known to be as the Full Stack Developers. These developers have the whole knowledge of the developing database, fronted, from backend. All the professionals and candidates who want to complete the Full Stack Developer Course can contact us.

By joining us you can also learn how to use and work with the UI and UC designs, write testable and maintainable code, deploy all types of database, use the industry standard practices and to deploy the applications to the cloud.

What is Full Stack Development?

Who can become a Successful Full Stack Web Developer?

You can have a safe future after completing this course, as it has many job options. Here is who can become a successful Full Stack Developer

Benefits of Full Stack Web Development Training in Sri Muktsar Sahib

There are so many benefits of joining this Full Stack Developer Training Course some of them are as under

Full Stack Web Development Training Course in Sri Muktsar Sahib Syllabus :

Front End Technologies

  • HTML 5 & CSS3
  • Introduction to Web Design, UI & UX
  • HTML ELEMENTS & Attributes
  • BLOCK & INLINE Elements
  • HTML Forms
  • Input Types & attributes
  • Introduction to CSS
  • Id, Class & Tag Selector
  • Combinators & Display
  • Typography (em & rem)
  • Borders & Spacing
  • Pseudu Classes & Pseudo Elements
  • Css Transformation & Animation

Getting started with Node.js

  • Node.js Architecture
  • JavaScript Event Loop
  • Node.js vs. others Server-Side
  • Node.js Application Area
  • Who Use Node.js
  • Advantages of Node.js
  • Limitations of Node.js
  • JavaScript with Node.js
  • Writing Asynchronous Code
  • Blocking vs Non-Blocking Code


  • Introduction to Javascript
  • How To Add Javascript
  • Variables & Data types
  • Javascript Functions Basics
  • Events
  • Arrays & Array Methods
  • Objects & Object Functions
  • Date & Math Object
  • Conditional Statements
  • Loops
  • Regular Expressions
  • Client Side Validations


  • Introduction to Node JS
  • What is Node JS?
  • Advantages of Node JS
  • Traditional Web Server Model
  • Node.js Process Model
  • Install Node.js on Windows
  • Installing in mac os
  • Working in REPL
  • Node JS Console


  • Downloading & Linking Bootstrap
  • Bootstrap Grid
  • Tables & Forms
  • Navigation
  • Cards, Dropdown & Toggle
  • Inputs & Buttons
  • Progress Bars & Spinners
  • Carousel & Modals

Node JS Modules

  • Functions
  • Buffer
  • Module
  • Module Types
  • Core Modules
  • Local Modules
  • Module , Exports


  • Creating buffer
  • Buffer decoding


  • Creating streams
  • Streams types
  • Readable Stream
  • Writable Stream
  • Stream Pipe

File System and Path Module

  • Introduction to fs Module
  • The fs modules operations
  • Manipulating Files – Create, Open,
  • Read, Write, Close, Rename, Delete
  • Manipulating Directives–Create, Read
  • The path Module


  • Understanding Events
  • Event Emitter class
  • Emitting Event
  • Listening Event


  • Building a Web Server
  • HTTP Request Methods, Headers
  • Response Codes and Headers

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